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To find out more about my spiritual master visit: osho.com

Osho on creativity and on meditation.

Osho's discourses on mp3

Many of Osho's books are available on DVD, mp3 or ebooks. Visit the introduction page of the Osho Book Club for some free samples to download to your mp3 player.

Some of Osho's discourses are available from: audible.com.

The enlightened mystic Osho is my spiritual master, he teaches me meditation.
I create music from a space of meditation and silence. It is said that the beauty of the master is reflected in the actions and creations of the ones who love him.

If you like my music, you may like to visit www.osho.com to discover more about meditation and awareness. With increased awareness, creativity and love follow like a shadow. It's a tangible way of making this world a better place before we leave.

Osho has created many methods to help you discover the science of meditation. His spontaneous talks to people from all walks of life have been transcribed and published in more than 650 books in 35 languages worldwide. Many are available as podcasts and ebooks.

Sambodhi Prem

The Art of Listening

The art of meditation is the art of listening with your total being. Listening to the ocean, or listening to the thundering of the clouds, or listening to the rain falling heavily, just put your ego aside, because there is no need... The ocean is not going to attack you, the rain is not going to attack you, the trees are not going to attack you - there is no need of any defense. To be vulnerable to life as such, to existence as such, you will be getting these moments continuously. Soon it will become your very life.

Wherever you are - at home, at work, or on the way between the two - you can use the presence of any sound, any noise, as an opportunity to move inside to a space of inner silence and stillness.

If one can learn how to listen rightly, one has learned the deepest secret of meditation.


Why Active Meditations?

All Osho's Meditations explained:








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